Friday, December 31, 2010

Thursday, December 30, 2010

He's baaaaack!

He’s baaaack:
Pres. George Bush’s memoirs sell as many copies in only two months --as Bill Clinton’s memoirs sold in six entire years! --GWB's terrific memoir has sold 2 million copies to date, and it's not even in paperback!


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Santa Claus

 Is it a coincidence that all one hears about and sees this time of year (on television, and in other places) is not God but Santa Claus --who magically brings presents for everybody? .... No wonder so many Americans believe in Santa-Claus government, too.


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tea Party; Indians

On this very month, December, (in 1773), the Sons of Liberty, disguised as Mohawk Indians, boarded 3 British ships carrying tea and dumped the cargo overboard into Boston harbor.

'Tea Party', --where have I heard about that organisation recently?  :D


Tuesday, December 14, 2010


The Islamic death cult has struck again, this time in Sweden .... A Muslim homicide bomber killed himself in one of two explosions in central Stockholm last Saturday, wounding two people. :-( :-( :-(


Friday, December 03, 2010

Obama Makes Unannounced Visit to Troops in Afghanistan

Obama Makes Unannounced Visit to Troops in Afghanistan - By Daniel Foster - The Corner - National Review Online

My multiple comments that follow the article are under the name "LoneWolf". (Begin reading the comments in ascending order, from earliest to latest, for better understanding).

Sunday, November 28, 2010

It takes a lot of Faith to predict the weather for decades!

The head of the UN climate science body has admitted he was taken entirely by surprise by the ferocious public reaction to a blunder in its report  that the Himalayan glaciers would disappear by 2035. Rajendra Pachauri said:
"I had absolutely no idea what was coming. It just sort of escalated."

So this prophet who claims he can reliably predict the weather for decades --is taken by surprise by a "storm of criticism."  He should have seen it coming! It takes a lot of faith to reliably predict the weather for decades!


Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I believe that Cicero was on to something when he said, "Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others."


Monday, November 22, 2010

Groping innocent American citizens

Until Presbyterians, Baptists, Catholics, Lutherans, --and children-- start flying jetliners into skyscrapers, first profile muslim terrorists, --and stop treating American citizens like Muslim panty-bombers, please!


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Licensed to abuse

Another slap in our faces: the TSA (Transacting Sexual Assaults) who gropes and sexually assaults Americans before we may board a jetliner, is about to get a license for even more abuse! If these people get union protection and union work rules, Americans will be in huge trouble.

Number of Terrorists Caught by the TSA: 0


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Calculus and Christianity

Calculus is the mathematics of change; Christianity is the religion of change. /geo_naturalexponent™  

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Lessons on Leadership 1

As a deacon in my local church, I'm always on the lookout for examples from spiritual (or national) leaders whose lives I can glean and apply leadership ideas. Make no mistake, all have spiritual application in the kingdom of God regardless from where they come. 

I'm always amazed at how the previous president of the United States (George W. Bush) shed so much light on what it meant to be a leader. On the other hand, our current president of the United States, Barack Obama, sheds light on the fact that community organizers are not leaders. Community organizing appears to have been Barack Obama's only real 'leadership' training. But if one thinks about it: the job of a community organizer is to focus other people on their problems and empower those people to change their own lives.

Regarding leadership skills, we have a President of the United States who was not only a community organizer, but a failed community organizer; simply look at his former Chicago community today. For example, president Obama is so focused on who to blame for a problem that he cannot corral the resources to fix the problem. And, there are so many examples from which I can choose in current events! Remember BP's Clear Water Horizon oil rig blowout in the Gulf of Mexico? The Netherlands offered their expertise to scoop up the surface oil, but Obama turned them down because of US laws prohibiting foreign flag vessels in American waters. (President GWB suspended those laws during Hurricane Katrina!)

To cap it all off, Obama went on morning television, and used a word inappropriate around children, and people were so distracted by his word choice they failed to pay attention to what he really said: he's talking to experts not about solving the problem, but about who to blame!

“I don’t sit around just talking to experts because this is a college seminar. We talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers so I know whose ass to kick.”   -Obama, June 2010
He is talking to experts not to find out how to solve the problem but to find out whose _ss to kick? Seriously?
This man Barack Obama needs an enemy to operate. And it explains every step that he takes in addressing a problem. He is his own worst enemy. :-o  

president Obama shows how not to practice leadership. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Creature of God

We humans (especially I) can experience the blessing of God and flourish and always face the temptation of self-confidence. God then reminds me of my pride and summons me to muster trust in Him, --and I see all over again that I am a creature and God alone is God.


Monday, October 18, 2010

Chilean miner gives thanks

This Chilean miner gives an unfiltered witness to the world! (Esteban Rojas, the 18th miner rescued).


Friday, October 08, 2010

Blessing the pooches

Blessing the pooches .... It's noteworthy, that our Catholic brethren have a tradition every October, a time of blessing of the animals. This custom is conducted in remembrance of St. Francis of Assisi’s love for all creatures. It's terrific! Oh that my Silicon Valley church would bless the pets of our congregation. It would sure make our pet owners happy!

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Moses and his wilderness experience

"Moses" Obama is trying to lead the American "Israelites" into a trap. He somehow believes the government-land is flowing with milk & honey! ... The spiritual satire is hilarious.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

Problems in spiritual formation

The (Georgia) Pastor Eddie Long story this weekend reminded me of the sanctification gap, --i.e., what is it in the history of Protestantism to explain why evangelicals have so many problems with focusing on spiritual growth? (Church history majors, pay attention.)


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Light and darkness

“Light shines in the darkness; the darkness comprehends it not.”

This is something to think about, shadow and light, which moves around us and within us. The more we understand about how we house dark and light inside our own souls, the more we can understand its movement throughout the world.


Friday, September 10, 2010

Stephen Hawking

Did you hear? --that super-cool physicist Stephen Hawking says the Big Bang was the result only of the laws of physics and did not need God to spark the creation of the Universe.

/God-to-Stephen Hawking: "Really? That's all you've got?" :D

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Moral authority

America needs a president with the moral authority to denounce Koran-burning in the United States. /Pres. George W. Bush.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

All grace and class

OGUNQUIT, Maine – Former President George W. Bush and his wife Laura surprised everyone in the 3rd annual “Run for the Fallen” on Sunday.

Dozens of runners took part in the event to remember the 65 servicemen from [Maine] who have died overseas since 2001.

George & Laura Bush are all grace and class. I love the way Pres. Bush is spending his post-presidency. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


If the intent of the Ground Zero mosque is "to bring Muslims and non-Muslims together,"... it is already a failure on its own terms.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Freedom of religion!

Wow! I can't believe the American Left's new-found discovery of freedom of religion! (It coincides with Obama's latest pratfall over the Ground Zero mosque in New York) :p


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Christian charity to Muslims

Did you hear? Seven million Pakistanis are in urgent need of aid after devastating floods from several weeks ago. And the United States Marine Corps has answered the call! Today, Marines are are providing emergency assistance and airlifts to those in need. What do you know? --more Christian charity to Muslim victims courtesy of the USMC! Osama bin Laden, pay attention.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Miss me yet?

President George W. Bush surprise-greeted the troops returning home from deployment yesterday, at DFW Airport; priceless!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010


The barbarity of Islamo-terrorism has become commonplace, --but the murder last week of 10 international aid workers in Afghanistan is especially notable. It's an education in the nature of civilization's worst enemy.


Monday, August 09, 2010

5 million barrels

Have you heard? --BP finally seems to have halted the flow of oil from their well, putting an end to a gusher that dumped about 5 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico; the world's largest accidental oil spill .... However, cleanup crews are having a hard time finding any more oil on the water! >>Chemistry majors, pay attention.


Friday, August 06, 2010

Car sick


Monday, August 02, 2010

Speed racer

He already controls the automobile industry, banking, and health care. Why then do American voters lack faith in Obama's economic decision-making? ..... Because he's failed.

/Econ majors, pay attention.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Time ran out for Lindsay Lohan

Here in California, time finally ran out for Lindsay Lohan.

She doesn't have the maturity to carry on a decent life. *verbigsigh* I think that she'll need a lot more than government control to get her life in order. I hope Lindsay Lohan encounters God in prison. Meanwhile, civil authorities are administering mercy, at the hands of the People of California.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ask an atheist

Wondering how to sell Christianity?

Asking an atheist is a good start. A look at our religion through the eyes of the unpersuaded can be a revelation; or not.


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bear arms

Did you hear? --the U.S. Supreme Court just voted on (in McDonald vs. Chicago) and upheld the "right of the people to keep and bear Arms cannot be infringed by the States".

God, Guns, and Jesus; American tradition is still sacred!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The dawn of understanding

I love this icon. The colors are incredibly lush. The waves, look at them! --they're almost hypnotic! Even the shore invites this California missionary to trek into God's wilderness. But, I'm afraid sometimes.

Instead of apostle Peter, that is my face, open, with the advent of understanding.


Monday, June 21, 2010

My favorite Rocketman

My favorite rocketman, Sir Elton John, is actually a brave knight; he's willing to dare the swamp of political corruptness. First he played at Rush Limbaugh's wedding, now he's gonna perform a concert in Israel, where other artists are too cowardly to deploy:

“Ain’t gonna stop me from coming here, baby,” he told the crowd in Tel Aviv, saying he believed music should spread peace and bring people together: “That is what we do. We do not cherry-pick our consciences, OK?” he added, in an apparent swipe at the artists who have canceled concerts in Israel . . . “I have always believed that music inhabits a world set apart from politics, religious differences or prejudice of any kind.”

A renegade to the end!


Friday, June 18, 2010

"The buck stops with me."

I notice that the President likes to continually use that phrase, "The Buck Stops… with me.” I wonder if he realizes that it makes him look like a narcissist? The president uses that phrase in every occasion to argue that while bad things that happen under his watch are always his responsibility, --they’re never his FAULT.

Remember the Nigerian panty-bomber (last Christmas) who got on board that jetliner? Obama said it was the fault of the watch list system. *sigh* That's a far cry from "The buck stops here." Failures in policy are the fault of the men who are ultimately responsible for them. Then again, our boy-president is far from being mature, or a leader for these trying times.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Nobility and suffering

Looking at these beautiful birds struggling to survive, covered as they are, in oil, just brought to mind, "nobility in suffering."


Friday, June 04, 2010

Susana Martinez

She's a woman. She's Mexican. She's a Republican. Some brains are seizing up all across America, --and Susana Martinez is running for Governor of New Mexico. [PoliSci majors, pay attention.]


Thursday, June 03, 2010

Where'd all that oil come from?

alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5478805328694877282" />
If only we would elect a democrat president and a democrat Congress, they would put the screws on those greedy corporations, and disasters like that big BP oil spill would stop happening.

Um, what's that you say? We did elect a democrat president and a democrat Congress? By golly, you're right, we did! ... So where'd all that oil come from?


Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day query

Why so few Medals of Honor? ..... Despite its importance, --the Medal of Honor has been awarded only 6 times for service in Iraq and Afghanistan.

By contrast, 464 Medals of Honor were awarded during World War II, 133 during Korea, and 246 during the Vietnam War. Our military is just as courageous today as ever before. Something is very wrong here.

The stories of valor in Iraq/Afghanistan must be made public. (You only need to go to Borders bookstore and camp out in the history section to marvel at the books that are published practically every month on the courage of our boys in today's wars.)

There is something very wrong with our national leaders who are not recognizing the valor of our men with the Medal of Honor, --only 6?
/geo@natural_exponent™ ...

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Protestant reformation

First, Billy Graham's son (Franklin) gets stiffed by the Pentagon. Then President Obama pencils in Elena Kagan as his nomineee for the Supreme Court and guess what? --another non-Protestant.

Things seem to be looking gloomy in Protestant reformation land.

America's religious identity is shifting so far from the legacy of the Plymouth Rock pilgrims. Sadly, the loss of Christianity's exclusive grip could cost our nation its soul. May it never be, Lord!


Arizona pinata

Oh, sure, the prizes inside are indeed very real, --potential democrat voters! This is why democrats are sympathetic to Arizona's illegal aliens. *sigh* Mexican president Calderone, for his part, knows that his economy improves each time the millions of aliens send monies back to their families in Mexico. It's a terrific symbiotic relationship!


Sunday, May 23, 2010

President Calderone

Uncivil, and rude; Mexican President Calderon certainly wore out his welcome in my country. *verybigsigh*



I find it disturbingly strange that Pres. Obama sided with the president of Mexico --against the people of Arizona! :-0

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

NYC car bomber

Sadly, it takes a lot for our Commander-in-Chief to admit that these terrorist attacks are indeed terror-attacks.

Behold: were it not for technical problems by Faisal Shahzad in NY (pictured), and were it not for the technical problems by the Nigerian panty-bomber (in the air last December 2009, remember him?), we’d now be talking about two successful terrorist attacks on Americans, in the last 6 months. /History majors, pay attention.


Drill, Baby, Drill

I wish we could cap Obama's spending --the U.S. into bankruptcy. :^(


Monday, March 29, 2010

Homes, bombs

Why does the president act as if Jewish homes are a bigger threat than Iran's bomb factories? *sigh* (History majors, pay attention)


Friday, March 26, 2010

Animal farm

It seems that with the passing of the new Obama healthcare plan, the president's aim is to make America more equal --and some Americans more equal than others. *verybigsigh*


Monday, March 01, 2010

Fatigue? --Lead!

Why am I getting Obama-fatigue so early on? ... If you think about it, our current law teacher president shares the same academic background as our former law teacher president Bill Clinton, —minus the amorality. (Remember our current president is a good family man and not sullied by personal corruption.) But what made... the brainy Clinton a more competent president was his ability to work with his republican Congress.

Maybe the same may happen for our current brainy president. Today's health care reform must be a compromise to be a genuine effort, but right now neither party wants to work with the other! The president and his democrat Congress will be hurt if a health bill with no popular mandate is forced upon the American people. Let's hope that our president can muster a better effort at leading.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tiger's clintonian behavior

He finally took ownership of his clintonian behaviour. Today, Tiger Woods became a man.


Friday, February 12, 2010

JVC Ecosystem

During an altar call (with prophet Peter Kumar) little Moiselle showed me a pretty hand-drawing, emblematic of herself, that she made during the Sunday morning's Sunday School class. In the center, it contains a red paper heart that can be swung open to reveal the word of God, inside.

/JVC Ecosystem, Silicon Valley, CA

Wednesday, February 03, 2010


Toyota apologized Saturday for faulty gas pedals on about four million cars that they just recalled. When you press the pedal down it stays down and the car accelerates out of control.

Whoever designed the gas pedal is probably the same guy who's Obama's Treasury Secretary. :p

/© Geo_naturalexponent

Thursday, January 28, 2010

What went unsaid last night

The actual State of the Union:
Sadly, this is the actual State of the Union (unmentioned last night):

>Unemployment between 10-18%

>'Stimulus' will tax the yet unborn

>Millions of jobs lost, you now, the ones that weren’t ‘saved'.

>KSM, the terror-master who plotted 9/11 has a government lawyer in a criminal court.

>The Nigerian panty bomber has a government lawyer in a criminal court.

>North Korea is thumbing its nose at us.

>Russia is thumbing its nose at us

>Iran is thumbing its nose at us. They are doubling-down on their nuclear reactors.

>Venezuela and Cuba are thumbing their noses at us.

>Obama bought GM and gave it to his auto union supporters.

>The USA is drowning in debt. D-r-o-w-n-i-n-g!

Our president must have a spiritual epiphany moment, else he risks being a very bad one-term president.

/© Geo_naturalexponent

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Walk and chew gum

I found this headline on the web:

It appears our president cannot go to an American primary school without the need for a teleprompter! Is this man indeed an empty suit? The events of his first 12 months on the job bring this observer to no other conclusion. *sigh*

/© Geo_naturalexponent

Monday, January 25, 2010

Failure to learn from history

It is January 25, 2010.

Sadly, President Obama's legacy after serving only one year in office is: failure to learn from history.

/© Geo_naturalexponent

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jubilee Vietnam Church | We prayed for Haiti

SUNDAY JAN. 17, 2010

In the JVC Ecosystem on the campus of Jubilee Christian Center, Pastor Bui discussed Haiti and ideas related to some causes of human suffering.

Before the 11:00 am service, Esther Bui, (Ps. Bui's youngest daughter) preps for Praise & Worship. Later, joining Esther will be her mom, Mrs. Lan Bui (soprano), Neil Nguyen (guitar), David Bui (drums), and Miss Jenny Tran (soprano).
                                                → →

/IMG_4592.jpg Pastor Bui announces the plight of our Haitian neighbors, after having suffered a 7.0 earthquake. Pastor walked us through fundamental ideas about God's goodness to all men on earth, found in the gospel of Luke and in James.

But it was in Genesis that Pastor alluded to an idea that could explain how tragedies like Haiti's earthquake happen. Gen 3:17 essentially states that because Adam disobeyed God, "...cursed is the ground because of you."  Hmmm, interesting, I immediately thought of shifting plate tectonics!
/IMG_4593.jpgTwo Playful Primates in the JVC Ecosystem :: Afterwards, we all retired downstairs to the Jubilee galley. We were served Vietnamese curry chicken with white rice.

Here, little Moiselle Huynh and I find time to play whilst all the grown-ups talk. I have known Moiselle for all of her brief 3-year life. Moiselle understands both Vietnamese & English. Of all the deacons in Jubilee Vietnam Church, Moiselle likes me the best. The deaconess and I wish we could keep her. Sadly, we cannot.
Jenny Tran Photographs | Jubilee Vietnam Church

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Sunday, January 03, 2010

Missionary implications

On Christmas Day, a 23-year-old Nigerian named Umar Farouk Abdula tried to detonate a homemade bomb (in his underwear!) onboard a packed Northwest Airlines flight headed for Detroit. But because of a faulty detonator and brave passengers, the terrorist's knickers failed to go off.The security system failed miserably. The explosives he used are easily detected. What's more, Umar's father warned the U.S. Embassy in Nigeria about his boy. A simple screening process (that's already in place) would have prevented him from boarding any aircraft. But citizens on board saved the day! Many days later, President Obama finally announced that Umar has links to al Qaeda.

What took so long? Obama didn't need a top secret briefing to learn this. He could have picked up most of it on the Drudge Report, or merely by bothering to read the morning papers.

I could see the confusion on Obama's face during his leadership failure. Sadly, it was the look of someone who has been convinced for all these years that terrorism is something President Bush cooked up. Now that it is patently obvious that President Bush knew what he was talking about, Obama will need some time to regroup and figure out what to do. I don't think he knows anybody in his world who can help him. He must humble himself and finally learn from the experiences of the previous administration. This is not a good pattern. The president has failed to lead the country following two very serious attacks on our Homeland: 13 people murdered at Fort Hood, Texas, and another Muslim who tried to blow an American jetliner out of the sky by detonating a bomb in his underwear.

What's worse is that this terrorist is now lawyered up and has the right to remain silent; this, a present from Obama himself!

Had Umar been spotted getting trained in Yemen he would have had an encounter with a Hellfire missile. Instead he was caught in the air while attempting to kill several hundred innocent people, and now his 'rights' are read to him! These rights were given to him by President Obama. *sigh*

The missionary implications for my wife and I are escalating. First, the shoe-bomber — remember him? — Richard Reid, was found with explosives in his shoe; as a result the deaconess and I have to trod barefoot through airport security. But wait! --after explosive underwear are uncovered, how will we now be treated by airport security? And what happens when the first exploding suppository occurs?

The implications are very serious indeed. Sadly, I'm too embarrassed to discuss these missionary implications --with my own pastor!

"Mr. Obregon, place your knickers on the conveyor and step away from the machine" ...... Oh, the humanity!

/© Geo_naturalexponent

Friday, January 01, 2010

Not a butler, but responsibility

2010 advice (gleaned from 2009):

Rational profiling at airports is premised on probabilities. The elderly Buddhist nun is perceived to be less likely a Muslim terrorist than an Arab. That is simply common sense.

Our politically correct elites, however, refuse to face reality. President Bush the Younger was bad enough in this regard. Ă˜bama is far worse. Americans are in such serious danger, and we still have 3 more years to endure this impotent leadership. Will America survive? /Poli Sci majors, pay attention.

© Geo_naturalexponent