Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jubilee Vietnam Church | We prayed for Haiti

SUNDAY JAN. 17, 2010

In the JVC Ecosystem on the campus of Jubilee Christian Center, Pastor Bui discussed Haiti and ideas related to some causes of human suffering.

Before the 11:00 am service, Esther Bui, (Ps. Bui's youngest daughter) preps for Praise & Worship. Later, joining Esther will be her mom, Mrs. Lan Bui (soprano), Neil Nguyen (guitar), David Bui (drums), and Miss Jenny Tran (soprano).
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/IMG_4592.jpg Pastor Bui announces the plight of our Haitian neighbors, after having suffered a 7.0 earthquake. Pastor walked us through fundamental ideas about God's goodness to all men on earth, found in the gospel of Luke and in James.

But it was in Genesis that Pastor alluded to an idea that could explain how tragedies like Haiti's earthquake happen. Gen 3:17 essentially states that because Adam disobeyed God, "...cursed is the ground because of you."  Hmmm, interesting, I immediately thought of shifting plate tectonics!
/IMG_4593.jpgTwo Playful Primates in the JVC Ecosystem :: Afterwards, we all retired downstairs to the Jubilee galley. We were served Vietnamese curry chicken with white rice.

Here, little Moiselle Huynh and I find time to play whilst all the grown-ups talk. I have known Moiselle for all of her brief 3-year life. Moiselle understands both Vietnamese & English. Of all the deacons in Jubilee Vietnam Church, Moiselle likes me the best. The deaconess and I wish we could keep her. Sadly, we cannot.
Jenny Tran Photographs | Jubilee Vietnam Church

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