Thursday, January 28, 2010

What went unsaid last night

The actual State of the Union:
Sadly, this is the actual State of the Union (unmentioned last night):

>Unemployment between 10-18%

>'Stimulus' will tax the yet unborn

>Millions of jobs lost, you now, the ones that weren’t ‘saved'.

>KSM, the terror-master who plotted 9/11 has a government lawyer in a criminal court.

>The Nigerian panty bomber has a government lawyer in a criminal court.

>North Korea is thumbing its nose at us.

>Russia is thumbing its nose at us

>Iran is thumbing its nose at us. They are doubling-down on their nuclear reactors.

>Venezuela and Cuba are thumbing their noses at us.

>Obama bought GM and gave it to his auto union supporters.

>The USA is drowning in debt. D-r-o-w-n-i-n-g!

Our president must have a spiritual epiphany moment, else he risks being a very bad one-term president.

/© Geo_naturalexponent

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