Friday, November 26, 2004

Pastors, farmers, parents

Wolf pup
Originally uploaded by Geo & VO.
+ While returning from L.A. last week, Virginia and I still continue to wonder in awe about the spiritual trend taking place in our land. This trend follows common sense.
+ You see, if an ideological division does exist in America it reflects the world-view of different Americans. Virginia and I meet a lot of diverse people in our line of work.
+ If there is anyone in our orbit who has a natural perspective it is our pastor, Dick Bernal. Wait, --others with a selfsame natural perspective: farmers, ranchers, or even parents rearing their children understand the progression of planting seeds, cultivating growth and patience, oh so much patience, for the coming harvest.
+ These are the people who tended to vote for George W. Bush. Those who view the world as a thirty-minute situation comedy and a laugh-track in the background tended to vote for John F. Kerry. This difference is reflected in the geography of the red states and blue states; sort of earthy Americans vs. tinseltown Americans.
+ Another telling spiritual trend is that the other Party is no longer a mom-and-pop party, because the fertility rate in the Kerry states is 12% lower than in the Bush states. Vermont, (the home of Howard Dean and perhaps the most left state in the country) produces an annual average of 49 children for every 1,000 women of child-bearing age; in Utah, where most voted for George Bush, the figure is 91 for every 1,000. In deep, deep blue cities such as San Francisco (where I live) and Seattle you find more dogs than children.
+ These trends are all amazing to me, possibly the only long-term solution for Democrats may be a constitutional amendment enfranchising canine-Americans.

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