Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Good spiritual sense of the American public

+ President Bush and Laura cast their votes in Crawford yesterday. Mrs. Obregon and I cast our votes down the street at Herbert Hoover Community Center here in San Jose's Rose Garden.
+ But our chads weren't hanging --we voted electronically.
+ President Bush's win last night was a ratification of the good sense of the American public. The public trusts the Republican party to wage the war on Islamo-terrorism, and about the Democrat party? --it has no such confidence.
+ I believe that the Democrats, including John Kerry, are known to have poor instincts regarding national security. Kerry has a deep distrust of American power as a force for good. Kerry spent the last year suggesting that the USA could return to a pre-9/11 mindset. Unbelievable.
+ This issue is not the only reason George Bush won. Americans respect Bush. Most also like him on a personal, emotional level. They think George Bush is a sincere Christian and that he's dog-gone likeable.
+ Although presidential campaigns are not a popularity contest, a candidate's ability to personally relate to voters is actually more important than where he stands on the issues. Virginia and I refer any doubters to the 2000 presidential campaign, when the likeable, clean-cut George W. Bush defeated Vice President AlGore --in a time of peace and prosperity.
+ It is precisely because voters trust Bush and see him as a strong leader that they are willing to stick it out with him even with shortcomings, for just a bit longer.
+ Call it a leap of faith, if you will.
+ Oh, and it's hard to believe, but the Vietnam War is finally over.

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