Saturday, November 13, 2004

Helpless masses

Originally uploaded by Geo & VO.
HOW FAR WILL liberty spread across the Earth? Positive changes occur every single day. People
watch America for indications about their own future.
IRAQ NOW HAS an interim government. Elections are planned in a country that had previously been run by a tyrant for over 20 years. Saddam's torture chambers and rape rooms are out of business.
The Iraqi people now exercise freedoms denied them for decades. Liberty and economic opportunity now exist.
INTERNATIONAL PARIAHS such as North Korea and Iran are now feeling the heat of liberty spreading.
AS MISSIONARIES, Virginia and I are saddened that
most Americans are unaware of the people world-wide who are yearning to be free from tyranny. We Americans cannot lose our resolve --as it could be a death sentence for many who simply want to enjoy the freedoms that the USA takes for granted.
THOSE WHO CONDEMN the removal of Saddam
energize other regimes with similar strangleholds
on their helpless citizens.

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