Thursday, January 28, 2010

What went unsaid last night

The actual State of the Union:
Sadly, this is the actual State of the Union (unmentioned last night):

>Unemployment between 10-18%

>'Stimulus' will tax the yet unborn

>Millions of jobs lost, you now, the ones that weren’t ‘saved'.

>KSM, the terror-master who plotted 9/11 has a government lawyer in a criminal court.

>The Nigerian panty bomber has a government lawyer in a criminal court.

>North Korea is thumbing its nose at us.

>Russia is thumbing its nose at us

>Iran is thumbing its nose at us. They are doubling-down on their nuclear reactors.

>Venezuela and Cuba are thumbing their noses at us.

>Obama bought GM and gave it to his auto union supporters.

>The USA is drowning in debt. D-r-o-w-n-i-n-g!

Our president must have a spiritual epiphany moment, else he risks being a very bad one-term president.

/© Geo_naturalexponent

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Walk and chew gum

I found this headline on the web:

It appears our president cannot go to an American primary school without the need for a teleprompter! Is this man indeed an empty suit? The events of his first 12 months on the job bring this observer to no other conclusion. *sigh*

/© Geo_naturalexponent

Monday, January 25, 2010

Failure to learn from history

It is January 25, 2010.

Sadly, President Obama's legacy after serving only one year in office is: failure to learn from history.

/© Geo_naturalexponent

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jubilee Vietnam Church | We prayed for Haiti

SUNDAY JAN. 17, 2010

In the JVC Ecosystem on the campus of Jubilee Christian Center, Pastor Bui discussed Haiti and ideas related to some causes of human suffering.

Before the 11:00 am service, Esther Bui, (Ps. Bui's youngest daughter) preps for Praise & Worship. Later, joining Esther will be her mom, Mrs. Lan Bui (soprano), Neil Nguyen (guitar), David Bui (drums), and Miss Jenny Tran (soprano).
                                                → →

/IMG_4592.jpg Pastor Bui announces the plight of our Haitian neighbors, after having suffered a 7.0 earthquake. Pastor walked us through fundamental ideas about God's goodness to all men on earth, found in the gospel of Luke and in James.

But it was in Genesis that Pastor alluded to an idea that could explain how tragedies like Haiti's earthquake happen. Gen 3:17 essentially states that because Adam disobeyed God, "...cursed is the ground because of you."  Hmmm, interesting, I immediately thought of shifting plate tectonics!
/IMG_4593.jpgTwo Playful Primates in the JVC Ecosystem :: Afterwards, we all retired downstairs to the Jubilee galley. We were served Vietnamese curry chicken with white rice.

Here, little Moiselle Huynh and I find time to play whilst all the grown-ups talk. I have known Moiselle for all of her brief 3-year life. Moiselle understands both Vietnamese & English. Of all the deacons in Jubilee Vietnam Church, Moiselle likes me the best. The deaconess and I wish we could keep her. Sadly, we cannot.
Jenny Tran Photographs | Jubilee Vietnam Church

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Sunday, January 03, 2010

Missionary implications

On Christmas Day, a 23-year-old Nigerian named Umar Farouk Abdula tried to detonate a homemade bomb (in his underwear!) onboard a packed Northwest Airlines flight headed for Detroit. But because of a faulty detonator and brave passengers, the terrorist's knickers failed to go off.The security system failed miserably. The explosives he used are easily detected. What's more, Umar's father warned the U.S. Embassy in Nigeria about his boy. A simple screening process (that's already in place) would have prevented him from boarding any aircraft. But citizens on board saved the day! Many days later, President Obama finally announced that Umar has links to al Qaeda.

What took so long? Obama didn't need a top secret briefing to learn this. He could have picked up most of it on the Drudge Report, or merely by bothering to read the morning papers.

I could see the confusion on Obama's face during his leadership failure. Sadly, it was the look of someone who has been convinced for all these years that terrorism is something President Bush cooked up. Now that it is patently obvious that President Bush knew what he was talking about, Obama will need some time to regroup and figure out what to do. I don't think he knows anybody in his world who can help him. He must humble himself and finally learn from the experiences of the previous administration. This is not a good pattern. The president has failed to lead the country following two very serious attacks on our Homeland: 13 people murdered at Fort Hood, Texas, and another Muslim who tried to blow an American jetliner out of the sky by detonating a bomb in his underwear.

What's worse is that this terrorist is now lawyered up and has the right to remain silent; this, a present from Obama himself!

Had Umar been spotted getting trained in Yemen he would have had an encounter with a Hellfire missile. Instead he was caught in the air while attempting to kill several hundred innocent people, and now his 'rights' are read to him! These rights were given to him by President Obama. *sigh*

The missionary implications for my wife and I are escalating. First, the shoe-bomber — remember him? — Richard Reid, was found with explosives in his shoe; as a result the deaconess and I have to trod barefoot through airport security. But wait! --after explosive underwear are uncovered, how will we now be treated by airport security? And what happens when the first exploding suppository occurs?

The implications are very serious indeed. Sadly, I'm too embarrassed to discuss these missionary implications --with my own pastor!

"Mr. Obregon, place your knickers on the conveyor and step away from the machine" ...... Oh, the humanity!

/© Geo_naturalexponent

Friday, January 01, 2010

Not a butler, but responsibility

2010 advice (gleaned from 2009):

Rational profiling at airports is premised on probabilities. The elderly Buddhist nun is perceived to be less likely a Muslim terrorist than an Arab. That is simply common sense.

Our politically correct elites, however, refuse to face reality. President Bush the Younger was bad enough in this regard. Ă˜bama is far worse. Americans are in such serious danger, and we still have 3 more years to endure this impotent leadership. Will America survive? /Poli Sci majors, pay attention.

© Geo_naturalexponent