Saturday, November 28, 2009

Wavy gravy

On Thursday, the deaconess and I contemplated our national day of Thanksgiving (at the home of our nephew Greg and his wife Jennie in Rocklin, CA), and were in gratitude for our immediate family blessings.

We water-boarded our turkey in gravy, and promptly ate it; yum.
© Geo_naturalexponent

Job creation is not the president's goal

I found a curious headline on the web:

"Obama: Job Creation Not Goal of Dec.3 Jobs Forum" --headline, Associated Press, Nov.18

► Talk about setting low expectations! :-0

© Geo_naturalexponent

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Divergent effects of sin and grace

I went on my contemplative walk as I am wont to do in the afternoon. I sighed and blurted out, "Why is there so much evil in the world."

But instinctively I immediately caught myself with the reply that there is so much more good in the world. I knew this was so. I know this to be a fact; I know it to be so scientifically, and I know it to be so spiritually. I was simply venting inside.

I mean, look at the obvious things that show this to be so: all of the equilibrium that is maintained in the world through the laws of nature. And in the spiritual realm; as a missionary I know first-hand that there are more good people in the world than there are evil ones. I find this to be an empirical truth.


Friday, October 23, 2009

JVC Ecosystem

Two playful primates in the JVC Ecosystem | Silicon Valley, CA.


College campus

I wonder how these Tees would sell on campus; would any college students get the irony?


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Climate change keeps changing!

"Arctic Ice to Last Decades Longer Than Thought." --headline, National Geographic Web site, Sept. 21, 2009

Climate change keeps changing!


Monday, August 10, 2009


Did you hear? —50 Afghans who are drug traffickers with ties to the Taliban have been placed on a Pentagon target list to be killed or captured. What?!!

President Bush's third term!


Wednesday, August 05, 2009

It's axiomatic

Hey everybody! --we're looking to drill off Santa Barbara for some cold hard cash! It seems that Governor Schwarzenegger is aggressively pursuing a way to open a section of California waters to offshore drilling.

Schwarzenegger has finally learned an important axiom: Freedom is profitable, Liberalism starves... :p


Saturday, August 01, 2009

Faster drop

I found a curious headline on the world wide web:

“Obama Drops Faster Than Bush or Carter” --headline,, July 30

Can this be explained by Newtonian physics?


Friday, July 31, 2009

Who would you rather have a beer with?

Who would you rather have a beer with? --the conscientious guy concerned with helping others around him?

/Or, the oblivious guy, striding majestically alone?

(Left-to-right: Sgt. Crowley, Professor Gates, Pres. Ă˜bama)


White House Beer Summit

"They always make me sit at the kids table."


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wrong on life's big decisions

It's amazing to behold. President Barak Obama has a knack for getting all of life's big decisions wrong. Two weeks ago, he refused to meddle in a country where peaceful demonstrators were getting shot dead by a dictatorship (Iran).

BO explained that he didn't want to choose sides.

Today, however, he is eager to meddle on behalf of the Honduran president, i.e., BO is annoyed that the Honduran people have the nerve to hold their president to the rule of their Constitution.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

The world is a stage

Once, all the world was Michael Jackson’s stage.


Superior intellect over the animal kingdom

Did you know that baby goats have a natural dislike for humans? Yes, they run away as you approach them.

Therefore, I had to use my superior intellect over the animal kingdom in order to catch this little goat, (Auburn, CA.) He was bleating real loud, until my sister-in-law moved closer to take this Facebook picture of us.


Disappearing without notice

It’s hilarious! --but South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford actually seems to believe he can remain in office despite his disappearing without notice and lying about the reasons.

That behavior is very clintonian!


Monday, June 22, 2009

Information without reporters

In the world of electronic communication, it's hard to overstate how much has changed recently (Twitter, Facebook, et al). Now even Iran's dictatorship can't control the flow of information out of its country—even after it expelled reporters!

This is not to say that reporters are superfluous, but in a pinch, we seem to be able to make do with out them! /Geo_naturalexponent™

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Axis of evil

North Korea vows to weaponize its plutonium; indeed, NoKo is warning the world of nuclear war. Will we listen?


Harmonic motion

The basic function of harmonic motion is the sine wave. (Reminds me of my life)



Does anyone suppose that David Letterman will teach his son to talk about women and girls the way he talks about Governor Sarah Palin and her young daughters?


Monday, June 01, 2009

60% ownership in G.M.

The Obama administration said today that it would give the bankrupt General Motors an additional $30 billion of our taxpayer money —in exchange for 60% ownership in the car company.

/What?!! /Geo_naturalexponent™

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Following the humiliating defeat of every budget measure he tried to push on us hurting Californians, Arnold Schwarzenegger has announced that California’s top elected officials will get a salary cut of 18%... in ... uh ... 7 months...

Nice to see the Governator springing into action to help our bankrupt state. :^(


California is bankrupt

Too bad California isn't a world leader in technology, tourism, agriculture, or entertainment.

If we had all of these things going for us, state bankruptcy could have been avoided.

Man, if we had all that going for our state, it would take a real bunch of morons to botch it up...


Notre Dame

Liberals were awestruck by Obama's statesmanlike speech at Notre Dame the other day, but whatever he says about abortion is frothy nonsense because we cannot to vote on abortion policy in America!


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

L-Team is serving in Vietnam

L-Team is currently serving in Vietnam.

We are fielding a small 5-man team of missionaries from both Jubilee Christian Center, including missionaries from two other churches.

L-Team's primary area of operation is Da Nang, hosting a pastor/leader conference. Thank you for your prayers...

The set of rational numbers

Most may not be aware, but much of the activity in the JVC Ecosystem may be properly understood in light of rational numbers. Rational numbers are a subset of the real number system.

For example, rational numbers consist of those numbers that can be written as a ratio of two integers, a/b. Everyday examples of rational numbers include: 2/3, 3/4, 4, 1/2

In the halls of Jubilee Vietnam Church, we make use of rational numbers when we divide one bowl of rice equally among two people, since Geo and Moiselle (sharing) each then gets half, or, 1/2 bowl of rice.

Indeed, in the JVC Ecosystem even rational numbers have spiritual implications; --open your heart to rational numbers!

Monday, February 09, 2009

Converting the primitives on the mission field

As we make preparations for a missionary deployment to Vietnam, I wish that there was some way that I could print money.

I wish I had a money machine.

What? --you think that's silly?

The U.S. Congress is at the moment, on a missionary enterprise of its own, trying to convert us primitives--on the mission field of America--on the only way to end our national recession. Congress' solution? --an orgy of spending.

President Obama, who's the front man for this idea, has preached a message that failure to pass the economic stimulus package (read: spending orgy) will result in a “catastrophe”--those are his words.

Since he’s about to be handed one trillion dollars, I wonder what will happen if the stimulus bill (spending orgy) does pass? For example...

Why are hundreds of billions in this bill being spent on frivolous stuff?

I wonder why most of the spending is slated to occur after the recession will likely be over?

Since the U.S. doesn’t have the money in the spending bill, how much money will the Government have to print? (This is the part I wish I could do!)

And, since the U.S. Congress is fond of throwing the phrase "exit strategy" in the faces of our military planners--what's Obama's exit strategy if the spending orgy actually does harm?

*Sigh* I, guess I should help convert primitives on the mission field, so...

...I'm going to tell my nieces and nephews, "Get a government job!"

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Obama's tax-dodgers

Note to the democrat party: Taxes are not voluntary.

Missionaries and aid workers

As we make preparations for a missionary deployment, we just learned Monday that an American worker for the United Nations has been kidnapped in Pakistan.

YAHOO! News | Quetta, Pakistan – Authorities searched for an American U.N. worker kidnapped Monday in southwestern Pakistan in an attack that underscored the security threats in the country as it battles al-Qaida militants.

The government called the abduction a “terrorist act,” but police said it was not clear whether it was Islamist militants, or criminals seeking a ransom payment who were responsible.

Gunmen seized John Solecki, head of the U.N. refugee office in the city of Quetta, as he traveled to work Monday morning, and shot and killed his driver, U.N. and Pakistani officials said.

Does he count as an American if he is working for the UN? Well, yes, I suppose he does.

But the lowest form of human is to attack a missionary or an aid worker who's there in-country to help the locals.

Did you notice the second paragraph, above? --it's a sick world when you have to hope that the American was kidnapped by criminals, rather than Islamic clergy. The criminals might let him live.

*Sigh* this may be a pop quiz for Obama, before the big test...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Obama can talk, but can he walk?

Huh? ... Wha? ... I'm sorry, did I, --did I --miss something?

Omigosh, the Inauguration!

One of my readers ... well ... she had to remind me!

On Tuesday, Barak Hussein Obama was inaugurated President of the United States of America.

Has President Obama had a chance to accomplish anything for our nation?

No. Well, after all, he's just getting up and running.

Therefore, I'll just have to review what has been accomplished for our nation especially in light of recent American history.

After all, how shall we grade the new President of the United States without the yardstick of history, --or, is there another standard that should be applied? Nay, history is our only reliable standard.

I normally don't like to rehearse the manifestly obvious, but the man responsible for keeping Americans safe from another mass-terror attack on our soil for 7 years will go down in history as one of America's greatest presidents, uh, after Ronald Reagan.

Can anybody produce one American citizen who believed on Sept. 12, 2001, that there would not be another attack for the next 7-years-and-4-months?

United States of America: 100-percent al-Qaeda free since 2001.

While President Bush made many mistakes at the helm his successes will be appreciated (like Reagan's) in the years that follow. President Bush laid out a doctrine to guide us in our war with Islamo-terrorism. President Bush signed into law the Patriot Act which broke down the wall (created by Bill Clinton) between the CIA and FBI, (before, neither agency could share intel with the other regarding America's external threats).

President Bush also created the terrorist-surveillance program, i.e. we can wiretap the bad guys making phone calls into the United States.

President Bush directed the CIA to capture and interrogate terror leaders who kill Americans.

President Bush fought a very unpopular war of liberation in Iraq, and yes, made many mistakes. But it will one day be clear that our liberation of Iraq was essential to victory in the global war on terror. And the success in Iraq is more complete than, say, the stalemate we're still sitting on, on the Korean peninsula.

President Bush assumed that our Coalition forces would find mass graves, torture chambers, evidence for immoral abuse of the UN's food-for-oil program, and WMDs: President Bush was right about each, save one, the last, --but he was still on the mainstream of Western and Arab thinking on these matters.

Today, Iraq's gross national product is 30 percent higher than under Saddam Hussein, and it is free of a brutal despot and his rape-happy sons.

Iraq is a free country, and now an ally. Furthermore, al-Qaeda was decimated and driven from their sanctuary in Afghanistan. Let's hope these victories are not squandered.

President Bush has of course the best record on judges. President Bush appointed conservative Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito--what a godsend these two common-sense justices are.

*Sigh* history will also place President Bush's verbal fumbling into light, but don't forget, George W. Bush was the first MBA president, and he had a higher grade-point average at Yale than John Francois Kerry, his opponent in 2004. George Bush is smarter than Senator John Francois Kerry!

Let's not forget the women of Afghanistan whom George Bush liberated from Taliban degradation and abuse.

Women's liberation is alive and well in Afghanistan!

When Abu Ghraib is mentioned, may history remind us that it was President George W. Bush who imprisoned those scumbags responsible for the horrors. When water-boarding is brought up, may history remind us that it was only used on 3 terrorists, one of whom was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, al-Qaeda's chief operator, who coughed-up vast amounts of intel that saved hundreds of innocent lives.

When extraordinary renditions are mentioned, Natural Exponent asks, how else should the world's most dangerous terrorists have been transported, business-class on United Airlines?

History will not listen to Hollywood "filmmakers" Michael Moore or Oliver Stone, but instead to Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India, who told the President last week: "The people of India deeply love you"; this, from the world's largest democracy.

Our new President Obama has some pretty big shoes to fill--because Obama can talk the talk, but can he walk the walk?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hellfire and due diligence

I uncovered an interesting story, per the Washington Post:

A New Year's Day CIA strike in northern Pakistan killed two top al-Qaeda members long sought by the United States, including the man believed to be behind September's deadly suicide bombing at a Marriott hotel in Karachi, U.S. counterterrorism officials confirmed.

The CIA ascertained that Osama al-Kini, a Kenyan national who was al-Qaeda's chief of operations in Pakistan, was killed in the Jan. 1, 2009 missile strike, along with his lieutenant, Sheikh Ahmed Swedan. Both men also helped plan the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in East Africa.

Bruce Hoffman, a terrorism expert at Georgetown University, said the CIA's tactics appear to be cutting dramatically into al-Qaeda's top ranks with strikes deep into a lawless border region that insurgents long regarded as a sanctuary.

"It is a stunning testament of the accuracy of intelligence that the United States is obtaining," Professor Hoffman said. "Either we have built up an impressive network of sources that facilitates such precision targeting, or the Pakistani authorities are cooperating big-time."

Natural Exponent believes this is a very good development in combating Islamo-terror. We hope that it continues in the Obama administration, because Obama doesn't strike us as someone who would take the offense toward high-value targets.

But, um, where were the anti-war protesters? If the U.S. had arrested these bad guys, and made them stand for long periods of time while being questioned, or turned down the a/c in the interrogation room, there would be a huge outcry about their treatment.

And yet when our operators blow them to smithereens--out of the blue--with a subsonic Hellfire missile fired by a controller thousands of miles away, there's no complaining from America's leftists.In any case, I'm certain our CIA took great care to make sure it had the right targets in their crosshairs. But you can't get a much better outcome of due diligence than a bulls-eye. But still, no outrage? from any Lefty?

Due diligence, --yes, and yet nothing says "Due Process" like a Hellfire missile.