Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Missionaries and aid workers

As we make preparations for a missionary deployment, we just learned Monday that an American worker for the United Nations has been kidnapped in Pakistan.

YAHOO! News | Quetta, Pakistan – Authorities searched for an American U.N. worker kidnapped Monday in southwestern Pakistan in an attack that underscored the security threats in the country as it battles al-Qaida militants.

The government called the abduction a “terrorist act,” but police said it was not clear whether it was Islamist militants, or criminals seeking a ransom payment who were responsible.

Gunmen seized John Solecki, head of the U.N. refugee office in the city of Quetta, as he traveled to work Monday morning, and shot and killed his driver, U.N. and Pakistani officials said.

Does he count as an American if he is working for the UN? Well, yes, I suppose he does.

But the lowest form of human is to attack a missionary or an aid worker who's there in-country to help the locals.

Did you notice the second paragraph, above? --it's a sick world when you have to hope that the American was kidnapped by criminals, rather than Islamic clergy. The criminals might let him live.

*Sigh* this may be a pop quiz for Obama, before the big test...

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