Wednesday, November 05, 2008

One for the history books

These United States have a new President-elect, Barak Obama. For a man who was not completely vetted by his party, Barak Obama nevertheless has won the big prize for his party. This therefore is one for the history books.

Last night was Obama's night. January 20th will be his coronation. He will be our new president. I was amazed at how quickly the electoral count had wrapped up.

And now, both conservatives and Republicans have a need for self-reflection, to take a hard look inside. Losers usually do.

Indeed for conservatives, we must continue to fight the good fight: fight every attempt by the government to take a man's wealth and redistribute it to another, fight the government's attempt to radicalize our Supreme Court, fight any attempt by government to restrict political (free) speech, fight any attempt to weaken our national defenses, in other words, fight for the best interests of our country.Barak Obama's election win may have been partially about the cult of personality. That's part of human nature. But more than that, people wanted change, --this was Obama's central thesis, and the American people decided to elect the agent of that change. It was not unlike the contest in 2000: here the American people also wanted change, and Al Gore was defeated by Gov. Geo W. Bush for president because people had had enough of Bill Clinton. It's for this historic reason that I'm not surprised at Obama's win yesterday.

But now, we will truly see what a President Obama believes, in the ways that he governs from America's executive branch.

But let's not forget that California, too, is huge player in social change. California proved that when it comes to marriage, there are not blue or red states. We Californians believe that the union of husband and wife is truly unique --and it was given special status in our law.

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