Saturday, November 15, 2008

Californians--and how we live our lives

CALIFORNIANS ARE A CONSERVATIVE people, and conservative is how most of us live our lives.

My evidence? --two essential things: First, Californians defeated the homosexual lobby, and we codified that only marriage between a man and woman will be valid in the Golden State.

But we Californians also defeated two so-called green initiatives on the ballot. Prop 7 would have forced utility companies to produce 40% of their power by 2020, and even more by 2025--but our electric bills would still rise. Prop 10 would have put Californians in the hole for over $5 billion to fund alternative-fuel research--but we're already doing this research in the private sector.

Californians sent these 2 measures down in flames...

Proposition 7 Renewable Energy Generation
Yes 3,294,158 35.1%
NO 6,102,907 64.9%

Proposition 10 Alternative Fuel Vehicles
Yes 3,742,997 40.1%
NO 5,581,303 59.9%

Nation-wide, although Americans elected Barak Obama as president, America is still a conservative country, because for the most part, we Americans live our lives with a conservative world-view in regards to family, faith, and free-enterprise.

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