The meaning is simple really. All you have to do is carefully observe the goings-on at church. If you do, it is readily apparent that: Jubilee Christian Center (JCC) is a biodiverse ecosystem.
In fact, Jubilee Christian Center supports 3 unique human communities, each with its own ecosystem. Throughout our Silicon Valley campus 3 unique churches find life:
_ Jubilee Christian Center, served by Senior Pastor Dick Bernal
_ Jubilee Spanish Church, served by Pastor Osbaldo Perez
_ Jubilee Vietnam Church, served by Pastor N. David Bui
Is your spiritual life stagnant? Do you want personal direction in life? Do you want to hear God's voice? Muster to church!
You see, each ecclesia, whether JCC, JSC, or JVC, is a human community and this is where we all belong. Each ecclesia is an ecosystem and through its members they transmit life!
Although each ecosystem is imperfect they are nevertheless useful to God. God uses each for equipping, teaching, imparting, and for blessing--through participation. Indeed, Mrs. Obregon and I learn much about God not only from religious worship each Sunday morning, but also from supplemental instruction: human interaction.
You say you desire an encounter with God? Interact with members of your Ecosystem. You will encounter God there.
It's interesting, but at times God speaks to me and Virginia through people we may not want to listen to. But in this, God is entirely blameless. Our ecosystem is imperfect on account of its members. Nevertheless, will we choose to receive God's prophetic utterances? We must.
Let's muster to church! Each ecosystem is teeming with life, and it's there that you will find God.
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