Monday, July 28, 2008

AT-16 >>away!

Jubilee Christian Center is a beehive of energetic activity: In early July, we shipped out 2 missionaries to the mission frontier.

(JCC is also an incubator of Great Commission Christians!)

I drove Jubilee Receptionist Lisa Rich and Jubilee Deaconess Virginia Obregon to SFO, where, at 1300 hours aboard Korean Air, they deployed for the Philippines on AT-16.

Virginia and Lisa were invited to preach at a Youth Crusade to be held at the end of this week in Baguio City, north of Manila.

(Coincidentally, Virginia and I had just completed a terrific time with many youth on K-Team in Vietnam--where we ministered to animated Vietnamese Youth Leaders in Ho Chi Minh City; see after-action report)

We are all members one of another, but it seems that the community of Christian youth is high on God's list of important people. Although youth do not possess wealth, rank or influence --legions of young people possess one important thing --God's heart.

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