Wednesday, November 16, 2005

U.S.A., U.K., Australia, N. Zealand

English-speaking Marine In IRAQ
Originally uploaded by Geo & VO.
It seems to this missionary that the world is quite fortunate to have English-speaking nations who are willing to do most of the world's heavy lifting in securing liberty and peace for its citizenry.

In the meantime, most of Europe cowers.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Argentina --please answer the phone

This week while France was burning, a stadium in Argentina was filled with people waving Che Guevara flags and screaming obscenities at Pres. George W. Bush's free trade proposals.

Obscenities_Che Guevera. A perfect match.

Um, excuse, me Argentina, but anyone whose personal income and survival depends on which way the world turns, should have dropped Che's marxist/leninist ideas like a hot potato --a generation ago.

Argentina! you have a phone call, it's reality on line 1!

Exceptional heritage

America, as a nation of immigrants, assimilites foreign nationals much easier than, say, European countries.

The 2-week sacking of France teach just how exceptional my country really is.

Of course in America we have our own problems of divisive multiculturalism. But I am nevertheless so thankful for my liberties.

Islam is entirely incompatible with "individual liberty." On the other hand, liberty is a crucial component of western countries. The United States of America was planned and created by people who were Christians, were biblically literate, but who respected other traditions.

Think about it!

In countries under the tyranny of Islamic law, there’s no such idea as liberty: you are either a Muslim, or are in danger of having your throat cut open with a rusty knife by dark consciences; cf. Matt 5:44.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Paris, day 14

Muslim Youths Set Paris Ablaze
Originally uploaded by Geo & VO.
France's bling-bling is going up in smoke!

Friday, November 04, 2005

To: Pakistan, with love

U.S. charity and Pakistan
Originally uploaded by Geo & VO.
Most don't know, but the Pentagon's budget performs vital Christian charity.

America's Pakistan Earthquake Response, to date:

Evacuated Locals: 8,218
Humanitarian Supplies: 940 tons
Med Supplies: 53 tons
Blankets: 6,640
Cots: 2,210
Airlift Missions: 104

100% of the indirect charity that Virginia and I give --goes through the U.S. government!

Behold, a Christian nation practicing Christian charity --through our emissary --the U.S. Armed Forces.

Monday, October 31, 2005

1st George 1:1

"But now bring me a man who deploys to the mission frontier. And when the man arrives he becomes an exponent of Christ." ~ 1 George 1:1

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Poverty's cure

CNN's Christiane Amanpour inquired: "What is the solution for stopping nearly a billion people around the world having to struggle on less than $1 a day?"

Christiane, the solution is Freedom and Opportunity.

Freedom creates many kinds of fruit: opportunity is one.

A nation's citizens then use opportunity to unleash their creativity. NEWS FLASH: Freedom and opportunity cure poverty.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Where's Bono?

Originally uploaded by Geo & VO.
The 7.6-magnitude earthquake that struck Kashmir on October 8, killed more than 53,000 people.

Virginia and I have learned that time is running out for survivors unless help arrives before winter.

I, um, must have missed the star-spangled Hollywood relief telethon for this disaster.

Something must have made the tsunami a more chic calamity, I don't know, --but the Pakistanis need aid just as badly. Where's Bono?

Friday, October 14, 2005

Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment." --Ralph Waldo Emerson

"You're in good hands on the mission frontier with George & Virginia; deploy with us!" --Ralph Waldo Obregon

Monday, October 03, 2005

Newtonian physics

Geo inspecting the transcendent
Originally uploaded by Geo & VO.
I have become so impressed with what I can do with Newtonian physics -- my cell phone, my car, my Powerbook, my e-mail, etc., -- that I sometimes forget that the vast majority of the universe is not Newtonian.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

The gumbo people (Katrina)

Originally uploaded by Geo & VO.
My Lord!--last week, Louisiana's two senators didn't even blink when they asked the federales for $250 billion for their state, following Katrina.

Nawlins is a state that simply doesn't care about anything but money and power. Ten years ago I saw documentaries on A&E about Louisiana corruption; I thought, "That can't be true!" But it was. And it is.

Louisiana political and police corruption ranks right up there with Mexico City! During Katrina, Virginia and I saw with our own eyes armed Louisiana police looting Walmart stores in front of live MSNBC cameras! They didn't care!

The likelihood of the gumbo people of New Orleans choosing to clean up the corrupt political and police culture they've endorsed for decades is about as realistic as Fidel Castro taking up market economics.

My Lord!--without safeguards, why in the world should President Bush give $250 billion to the gumbo people?

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Geo's Musing

Originally uploaded by Geo & VO.
A friend sent a personal thought regarding a campus e-mail she received that discussed the benevolent tolerance of lesbians, homosexuals and transsexuals at a Catholic university where she works. I could understand the frustration in her e-mail.

Tolerance is one of the highest virtues in our pop culture, --but, alas, it doesn't extend to Christians.

On college campi Christians are often denied First Amendment rights, and even discriminated for religious beliefs (where is the tolerance?). Political corruptness allows for selective mistreatment of Christians at many of our university campi and throughout public life.

But beware: most so-called “gender scholars” in our universities only have degrees in fields like English or Literature--not biology or other hard sciences. These self-appointed “experts” on sexuality are scientifically illiterate.

Dogma and propaganda are their scholarship.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

God sees the truth but waits

Originally uploaded by Geo & VO.
Virginia and I were invited to a meeting at our church by Pastor Dave Sefton in order to meet a one Vietnamese pastor, Ba Nguyen (Paul Walker), and his small company of Vietnamese who are slated to begin Sunday evening Vietnamese services at Jubilee Christian Center in October.

After our 2 hour meeting, it appears that Pastor Paul Nguyen really seems like a great spiritual man to lead Jubilee's Vietnamese Christian community. His wife, Marylin, is very sweet, his sister Hanh is entrepreneurial and devoted to her brother's vision, and Mai, well she was the source of regret.

Mai is a stunning spiritual Christian. As I listened to Mai, and then as I listened to Virginia's take on Mai's personal experiences at Jubilee -- I regretted, greatly, that Virginia and I had never met her earlier. Mai and Virginia & me crossed paths at Jubilee often but didn't know it, because we weren't told of each other.

Mai explained to us that she would have done anything to serve God, was willing to quit her job to travel back and forth to Vietnam to serve God full time (not the flaky kind of Christian who wants to quit their job to serve God, if you understand what I mean.)

Mai was told no, that it wasn't time yet.

But, Virginia and I were deploying to Vietnam, were smuggling Bibles, were sharing with the Underground church in Hanoi, Da Nang and Saigon during this same time.

Why wasn't Mai put in touch with us? Why was she told it wasn't time? Why did she have to endure such disappointment? She would have entirely changed the outcomes of our experiences in Vietnam for the better had she been with us.

This is the regret to which I refer.

God sees the truth but waits.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Jovia Tran's milestone

Saturday 28 May 2005, my "niece," Miss Jovia Tran graduated from San Jose State Univ with a baccalaureate degree in Biochemistry.

Jovia is a part of our family, and Virginia and I count it a privilege to know her.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

The Differential

Soldier and Child
Originally uploaded by Geo & VO.
This May, 2005 image shows a U.S. Army soldier comforting a fatally wounded child from a terror car bomb blast, in Mosul, IRAQ.

This is the difference between American soldiers and Allah's soldiers.

Monday, May 02, 2005

George W. Bush --Arab hero!

Afghani Girls!
Originally uploaded by Geo & VO.
Virginia and I have learned that young men in Afghanistan have just made a great discovery -- those blue burqas floating down the boulevard harbor real live girls! They are not harboring the devil, as the Taliban once said, if you can believe it.

O, spring is in the air, as young Afghani boys and girls experience having boyfriends and girlfriends, and even meeting each other before wedding day!

Indeed, not being forced to marry some guy your parents picked for you is a giant step on the road to a free country.

Who would have ever imagined: George W. Bush, Arab hero!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Obregons emphatically agree with Oliver Wendell Holmes

Originally uploaded by Geo & VO.
"Young man, the secret of my success is that at an early age I discovered I was not God."   --OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES

"The secret to our success on the mission frontier is that we've chosen to get out of God's way and let God's Spirit minister to the people."    --Geo & Virginia Obregon

As a result:

-->Teenagers and pre-teens ministered emotional healing to the conference attendees.  (Archipelago Team - 11)

-->Spiritual breakthroughs occurred in Pakistan during casual conversations not through preaching and teaching.  (Studies and Observation Group)

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

For Whom The Bell Tolls

The Liberty Bell tolls
Originally uploaded by Geo & VO.
The bell that is ringing in Iraq is the Liberty Bell.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Jubilee Christian Center and the U.S. military

U.S.Navy relief
Originally uploaded by Geo & VO.
The first Sunday of 2005 our Pastor was informing us on the Asian tsunami disaster from the pulpit, and decided to take up an offering and send it to India. In Andhra Pradesh State we have missionaries and their families, Lee & Praveena Ruud, and Scott & Melody Norling, on the ground, full-time.

Mrs. Obregon and I were unable to contribute on Sunday, but a light went off in my head. Our American military, at great cost, and almost entirely alone in the world, saved Kosovars, Afghans, and Iraqis from tyranny --and Virginia and I helped pay for that!

But wait, Virginia and I do even more --the $500 billion of the Pentagon's budget performs other Christian charity:
+Keeps the Persian gulf open to world commerce;
+Protects Europe;
+Ensures that the waters between China & Taiwan are safe;
+Prevents Saddam's rebels from destroying the ecology of the Tigris-Euphrates valley.

Probably most of the charity that we members of Jubilee Christian Center give --goes through
the U.S. government!

U.S. armed forces - Christianity in action.