Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Geo's Musing

Originally uploaded by Geo & VO.
A friend sent a personal thought regarding a campus e-mail she received that discussed the benevolent tolerance of lesbians, homosexuals and transsexuals at a Catholic university where she works. I could understand the frustration in her e-mail.

Tolerance is one of the highest virtues in our pop culture, --but, alas, it doesn't extend to Christians.

On college campi Christians are often denied First Amendment rights, and even discriminated for religious beliefs (where is the tolerance?). Political corruptness allows for selective mistreatment of Christians at many of our university campi and throughout public life.

But beware: most so-called “gender scholars” in our universities only have degrees in fields like English or Literature--not biology or other hard sciences. These self-appointed “experts” on sexuality are scientifically illiterate.

Dogma and propaganda are their scholarship.

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