Sunday, October 17, 2004

Promises to America's infirm

Taking a break from working on Pastor's autobiography, I was almost convinced I had found a politician with more faith than our Reverend Dick Bernal!

It was V.P. candidate John Edward's comment last week that nearly had me reaching to call my wife on her cell phone:

"If we do the work that we can do in this country, the work
that we will do when John Kerry is president, people like
Christopher Reeve are going to walk, get up out of that
wheelchair and walk again."

Wait, can Kerry and Edwards do that for us!

In my years of observing human nature at the national level, I have never heard a more repellent example of prejudice and
false claims.

For certain, faith's anchor is hope, yes, every Charismatic knows that, but promising false hope is bad; and for personal gain? Raising false hopes in Americans who are crippled and afflicted is very low.

Promise me a chicken in every pot, promise me medical marijuana, that's part of the game. But to give false hope to people with an assurance of Christ-like cures --that's going too far. It seems that there is nothing Kerry-Edwards will not say to get elected.

Thankfully, I realized before I called my wife, and before I had to break the bad news to my Pastor --that I was being duped. Whew.

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