I wish I had a money machine.
What? --you think that's silly?
The U.S. Congress is at the moment, on a missionary enterprise of its own, trying to convert us primitives--on the mission field of America--on the only way to end our national recession. Congress' solution? --an orgy of spending.

Since he’s about to be handed one trillion dollars, I wonder what will happen if the stimulus bill (spending orgy) does pass? For example...
Why are hundreds of billions in this bill being spent on frivolous stuff?
I wonder why most of the spending is slated to occur after the recession will likely be over?
Since the U.S. doesn’t have the money in the spending bill, how much money will the Government have to print? (This is the part I wish I could do!)
And, since the U.S. Congress is fond of throwing the phrase "exit strategy" in the faces of our military planners--what's Obama's exit strategy if the spending orgy actually does harm?
*Sigh* I, guess I should help convert primitives on the mission field, so...
...I'm going to tell my nieces and nephews, "Get a government job!"