Friday, September 12, 2008

Terror-free for 7-1/2 years

President George W. Bush, the civilian commander who prevented any follow-up jihad terror attacks upon American soil, during his 8-year watch.

I appreciate that the responsibilities of the office of president have aged Pres. Bush, and may well have shortened his life. But that is his gift to his country. (It's sad by contrast that 8-years had also aged former Pres. Bill Clinton, and to a much greater extent, but for reasons other than keeping America's homeland secure).

As missionaries who deploy most often into the dangerous 10/40 drop zone, Mrs. O and I will listen closely in the debates to what Senator McCain and Senator Obama have to say about Islamic terror, about the enemy combatants jailed in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and eavesdropping on Islamic terrorists who phone into the United States.Sadly, in these regards, from what I've observed in recent American history, (i.e. the last 8-years), to vote for Sen. Obama is to also vote for a Democrat Party that consumed most of their energies during the last 7-1/2 years fighting an American president harder than they fought the perpetrators of September 11.

That is inexcusable to this voting citizen.

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