Wednesday, August 20, 2008

College students --Concealed Carry on Campus

THREE WEEKS AGO, after I returned home from Jubilee, I turned on C-Span (Mrs. O finds C-Span insufferably boring) and found the most amazing program on: the first convention of Students for Concealed Carry on Campus --aka, SCCC.

It was held in Washington, DC. I didn't know, but the SCCC was formed on April 17, 2007, the next day following the Virginia Tech shooting. Remember?--32 students were killed by classmate Cho Seung. Virginia and I attended our church's prayer vigil a week after the shooting.

The first speaker I heard on C-span was John Lott; this guy always has a reputation for doing his homework. He is author of The Bias Against Guns, and, More Guns, Less Crime. And, surprisingly, SCCC invited Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

John Lott reasoned for about an hour that creating a safe zone (like Virginia Tech’s so-called “gun-free zone”) ends up doing nothing more than creating safe zones for criminals. In fact, that was Virginia Tech's experience, they created a safe-zone for Cho Seung to kill law-abiding citizens.

Afterwards, Paul Helmke resorted to condescension.

Helmke argued that college students often engage in risky behavior that should preclude them from having guns: “When I look back on my college days, most of my fraternity brothers didn’t have criminal records—not yet. Most of them, even those who were in ROTC and hunters—the behaviors they exhibited weren’t the kind of behaviors that gave me confidence that packing guns in their lockers or in their rooms would make me safer.”

Naturally, not everyone should pack heat. Considering Helmke’s total lack of knowledge about firearms, Natural Exponent believes citizens like him should not be carrying guns until they are better educated.

Here's the delio: I'm thinking about my nephew Mikey Trejo who is a college freshman. Mikey is a straight arrow. I'm also thinking of my little niece Amber Tango, a student, and former Element Leader in Air Force J-ROTC, so...

Why would Helmke paint all students with such a broad brush? Only responsible students would take steps necessary to obtain a concealed carry license. Criminals don't have to bother.

And as for Helmke’s obvious insult to ROTC and hunters, well, that is the pathology of the Left. I must commend Students for Concealed Carry on Campus for being willing to listen to the other side of the debate.

I've seen the other side in action: History teaches that Leftist student organizations are not so open-minded.

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