Thursday, May 31, 2007

Love is in the Air

Upon returning from Vietnam on Tactical Team-J, Virginia and I shared with Jubilee Vietnam the same ideas that we delivered to Vietnam's church leaders, i.e., the love of our Father God.

Indeed, Mrs. Obregon is all too aware of the kinetic energy of a moving mass:

Therefore she sought help from me, Andrew Le, and Kevin Danh as the congregants melted under God's hand.

Love is in the air.


patti said...

Hi George,
I was surfing on my laptop, and googled you and the Mrs. It is me, Patti, formerly Patti Burke.I am still in Maryland, but actually relocating to Oklahoma soon. I have been a schoolbus driver for the past 8 years...and from that I think developed a heart for the kids. Entered graduate school this year in a school counseling program. Will have to continue that in Tulsa if it works out.
What is Jubilee Vitenam? Do you live over there now? Have you found your fulfillment in full-time ministry?
A funny coincidence...recently this man came to speak at my church, sharing his testimony of losing his wife and 4 children in Emporia Kansas flood in 2003. Pictures he showed on overheads from earlier years looked oddly familiar....come to find out he was the worship pianist at Jubilee back when we were there...Robert Rogers? He had matured so I didn't recognize him. (I didn't know him personally-just remembered the face)He now has a ministry to men called "Mighty in the Land," and is establishing an overseas orphaneage for each family member lost in the flood. Small world indeed.
Just found your sight, so haven't read your archives yet....


Natural Exponent said...

Hi Patti!

Good to hear from you! We live in Silicon Valley!

Geo & Virginia...