Saturday, April 21, 2007

The data on mass murder

Virginia Tech Shooter
Originally uploaded by Geo & VO.
Mass murder is often the first serious crime unbalanced individuals are caught committing --this is the case of the Virginia Tech shooter.

But since the Fall of Adam there have always been deranged individuals. If someone is determined to commit mass murder there is usually very little that can be done to prevent it.

(Curious: NBC must be the network of choice for homocidal maniacs.)

Most of the time these creatures can't be locked up, until it's too late. You see, in the USA it's not against the law to be crazy. It's certainly
not against the law to be an unsociable loner.

Wait, he mailed a package? What? --on his way to murder as many people as he could he dropped off a package at the Post Office?

My head is spinning.

But another thing, if you study history general purpose sociopaths don't issue manifestos, --there is some sort of ideology involved here. I need more data on this creature.

But this is the experimental data we do have:

32 are dead at Virginia Tech...50 million dead from Roe v. Wade...

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