Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Vacation is good for America

Stay on vacation, Mr. Obama, (and spare us another Stimulus).


Monday, July 04, 2011

July 4, 2011

July 4 is Liberty's birthday. July 4 is my other 'birthday'; indeed July 4 is every American's other birthday. The greatest nation the world has ever known, only a young 234 years, and we are still the shining city on a hill because Americans are fearless in defending liberty.


Saturday, June 04, 2011

R.I.P. James Arness

RIP: I'll miss Gunsmoke star James Arness; dead at 88


Friday, May 20, 2011

Archbishop of Canterbury

Did you hear? --the Archbishop of Canterbury criticized the United States for shooting dead the unarmed Osama bin Laden.

History as a guide?

I think that Gandhi’s commitment to non-violence was admirable, but it's impractical today. Non-violence as a response to today's Islamo-terrorism would be disastrous. 

Gandhi was dealing with rational men; we are not.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Coalition of the Lukewarm

I think this very odd Libyan campaign that we’re immersed in will soon reveal the spiritual dangers of a half-hearted war. Obama has ceded leadership to NATO. Furthermore, just look at NATO's half-baked bombing campaign to stop Gadhafi --all in the name of preventing civilian deaths! Spiritual lesson: there is no good outcome when your leadership is lukewarm. This is Obama's Coalition of the Lukewarm.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Still a viable organization?

I think at some point the U.S. is going to have to decide whether NATO is still a viable organization, and worth saving, now that it is on the verge of being utterly humiliated in Libya. (Military history majors, pay attention.)


Saturday, April 16, 2011

The masculine Jesus

I've always been enamored by how Christ always swam against the current, as it were. Indeed, Christ would get under the skin of the Pharisees by healing poor souls on the Sabbath, and He even needled the so-called 'righteous' Pharisees by calling them whitewashed sepulchres full of dead men's bones, to their faces! --what a riot! Jesus was a man's man.


Friday, April 15, 2011

Snow Leopard

I was just thinking, the deaconess and I have Apple Inc.'s newest Macintosh operating system, Snow Leopard — which is smaller, faster, and cheaper than anything else on the market. Apple Inc. continues to wow the world with its culture of innovation. So, let's conduct a thought experiment, shall we?

What would happen if the Federal government took over Apple?


Thursday, April 07, 2011

We just don't know...

...was the Libya bombing designed to stop the civilian killings, or to help the rebels, or perhaps to remove Qaddafi, or was the bombing designed to aid the British and French who both have lots of oil interests in Libya? No one really knows as of this writing. Meanwhile, here's Captain U.N.


Tuesday, March 08, 2011

NASA finds evidence of alien life

(God, did you hear?) --NASA thinks it has found alien life forms out there in your cosmos. That’s the conclusion one NASA scientist has come to. He released his groundbreaking revelations in the Journal of Cosmology.

Interestingly, if a small, multi-cellular organism was in a woman’s womb rather than (outer) space, the U.S. Supreme Court wouldn’t call it “life”. Think about that. (This life form even has a corporate logo. I wonder what the 'S' stands for?)

Monday, February 07, 2011

Mass murders

 What did the US learn from the Muslim Fort Hood mass murders? … Not much. Just last week, the US Senate confirmed that the Muslim shooting at Fort Hood in 2009 could have been prevented! It gave President Obama a complete pass on his reverse-profiling orders that prevented authorities from acting on information they knew about the dangerous killer before his attack. :-(  :-(  :-(


Monday, January 31, 2011

Land of the Pharaoh

There's rebellion in the land of the Pharaohs! Egypt's tyrant (Mubarak) finally became the target of all his subject's discontents. What we are witnessing in Egypt is a clash between reformers who want free elections and free markets and radicals who want to overthrow the Mubarak regime and install a violent Islamist government. History majors, pay attention.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

God visits man

(Deaconess Virginia Obregon, far-right, fellowships with Jubilee Vietnam's Shekinah youth) .... There are different ways God visits man. The most common way God visits man is through people! The pity is that we do not recognize God in people, but instead prefer God in a fantastic and sparkling package. In seeing God as He isn't, we err.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

If guns...

Let the reader understand...


Sunday, January 16, 2011

King James Bible

The King James Bible is 400 years old this year. Sometime in 1611 it was published. Hundreds of millions are in circulation. To Christians all around the world, it is still the ancestral language of our saving faith.


Saturday, January 08, 2011

"Mother" and "Father"

Dear Lord, you know it's distressing, but President Obama's Big Brother apparatus killed off our mother and father!  On Friday Obama's State Department decided that those people we used to call our "mother" and "father" should now be Parent 1 and Parent 2. ... President B. Hussein Obama has now has officially descended to the level of Karl Marx. *verybigsigh*


Tuesday, January 04, 2011

NFL's crime

 I like stories of redemption. But I simply cringe when I think of Michael Vick's crime. He didn't just participate in the illegal activity of dog fighting; he tortured and killed dogs with his own hands and paid others to do the same. Oh that the NFL would explain why torturing and killing animals is an offense that the NFL forgives.


Monday, January 03, 2011

Limits to power

It's astounding to witness but the Obama presidency has produced a healthy public backlash that is re-acquainting Americans with the Constitution, and how it limits Congress' powers. New year 2011 year should be exciting.


Saturday, January 01, 2011

Global warming and Britain

Global warming is hitting Britain real hard! .... And it appears its chief apologist, Al Gore, has completely retreated from his faith-based initiative; --he's nowhere to be found! :-o 