Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day query

Why so few Medals of Honor? ..... Despite its importance, --the Medal of Honor has been awarded only 6 times for service in Iraq and Afghanistan.

By contrast, 464 Medals of Honor were awarded during World War II, 133 during Korea, and 246 during the Vietnam War. Our military is just as courageous today as ever before. Something is very wrong here.

The stories of valor in Iraq/Afghanistan must be made public. (You only need to go to Borders bookstore and camp out in the history section to marvel at the books that are published practically every month on the courage of our boys in today's wars.)

There is something very wrong with our national leaders who are not recognizing the valor of our men with the Medal of Honor, --only 6?
/geo@natural_exponent™ ...

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Protestant reformation

First, Billy Graham's son (Franklin) gets stiffed by the Pentagon. Then President Obama pencils in Elena Kagan as his nomineee for the Supreme Court and guess what? --another non-Protestant.

Things seem to be looking gloomy in Protestant reformation land.

America's religious identity is shifting so far from the legacy of the Plymouth Rock pilgrims. Sadly, the loss of Christianity's exclusive grip could cost our nation its soul. May it never be, Lord!


Arizona pinata

Oh, sure, the prizes inside are indeed very real, --potential democrat voters! This is why democrats are sympathetic to Arizona's illegal aliens. *sigh* Mexican president Calderone, for his part, knows that his economy improves each time the millions of aliens send monies back to their families in Mexico. It's a terrific symbiotic relationship!


Sunday, May 23, 2010

President Calderone

Uncivil, and rude; Mexican President Calderon certainly wore out his welcome in my country. *verybigsigh*



I find it disturbingly strange that Pres. Obama sided with the president of Mexico --against the people of Arizona! :-0

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

NYC car bomber

Sadly, it takes a lot for our Commander-in-Chief to admit that these terrorist attacks are indeed terror-attacks.

Behold: were it not for technical problems by Faisal Shahzad in NY (pictured), and were it not for the technical problems by the Nigerian panty-bomber (in the air last December 2009, remember him?), we’d now be talking about two successful terrorist attacks on Americans, in the last 6 months. /History majors, pay attention.


Drill, Baby, Drill

I wish we could cap Obama's spending --the U.S. into bankruptcy. :^(
