Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Christian faith & practice

Those familiar with Christianity, and Jubilee's missionary history realize that Christ is the greatest liberator of mankind.

Indeed, God's presence fills the hearts of people wherever Christian faith and practice meet.

Thank you! --for sending us.

Pastor of the sheep

We have 3 churches on our Silicon Valley campus: the JCC main Church, our Spanish Church, and our Vietnam Church. Whoever preaches to the masses on Sunday morning, the prime focus of the worship service is the sermon.

Each of us congregants is expected to encounter Jesus not only in the bread and wine, but in the spoken word. To this observer, the theology of the sermon is the word of God --a declaration of God's will, and it is received as such by those of us in the pews.

Therefore the sermon should not be flippant, or contain half-thoughts, or angry prejudices from one's mind.

It is a frightfully serious thing to mislead the people of God.

Your Pastor's sermons

When the sermons of your Pastor are turned into campaign ads by your opposition --your presidential campaign is on very rocky shoals, in grave danger of running aground.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

While serving Christ in Vietnam

Imagine my surprise: that while serving Christ in Vietnam, I discovered that Prince Harry was serving his country in Afghanistan.

I couldn't believe it.

While waiting for the Hotel front desk to retrieve my room key, I glanced down at the nearby table and eyed a British newspaper, left by some Brit, apparently, and there was Prince Harry --in all his glory, wearing his distinctive British desert camo fatigues, holding an M-16, (not the later image above). His picture filled the entire first page of that British newspaper!

It was a revelation to this missionary that Prince Harry had been courageously serving in Afghanistan for 3 months. (When the British papers mistakenly released the news of his deployment, Harry had to return to England). Prince Harry should be applauded by all citizens who believe that the war against Islamo-terrorism is vital to our free world.

This is amazing to me. The last time I remember learning of Prince Harry in the news was when he was busted by his father (and the British media) for wearing a Nazi armband to a British nightclub. (Does anyone remember that?)

I can forgive youthful indiscretions. We've all done crazy things in our youth; but this Harry chap is a credit to his nation!

Harry's bravery reminds this grateful American citizen that the Briitish warrior spirit is still alive and well --because, my gosh, he must've been a bullet magnet to terrorists everywhere.