Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Jubilee Vietnam Church

My wife is shown here with her fans--the JVC Youth--and enjoys fellowship and lunch down in the Jubilee galley following the 11:00 AM service.

California's help from Baghdad

After returning from my meeting at Jubilee Christian Center with Fellee, I was happy to learn of a story out of Iraq, --but boycotted by the media.

It seems that a group of Iraqi soldiers in a military camp east of Baghdad collected $1,000.00 last week to send to my neighbors in southern California, affected by the recent wildfires.

Iraqi soldiers risking their lives everyday, --and still find the time to raise money for charity!

These Iraqis have so much class.

Hmm, let's see, how much did the European Union send?

If American soldiers and Marines are washouts and misfits that they have been made out to be by the mainstream media --why would local Iraqis dig into their pockets to assist American civilians?

Iraqis are indeed working with the finest America has to offer.