Saturday, February 03, 2007

Religion of Piece(s)

Bangkok --our 2nd Home
Originally uploaded by Geo & VO.
An ice cream vendor was beheaded in Thai Muslim south.

As we prepare to deploy to Thailand on Tactical Team-I, I've learned that a Buddhist ice cream vendor was killed and his headless body left sitting on the bicycle seat of his cart in Thailand’s Muslim south.

The vendor, a 45-year-old Buddhist originally from the country’s north east, was shot three times in the back of his head while riding his cart into a Muslim village in Pattani.

They chopped his head off and walked away with it, leaving his body sitting on the ice cream bike’s seat.

How can there be a fatwa against ice cream?

No one in Arabia could make ice cream in Mohammed's day!

Happily, our Team will be lodging far north in Bangkok prior to our departure to Bangladesh.