Wednesday, November 16, 2005

U.S.A., U.K., Australia, N. Zealand

English-speaking Marine In IRAQ
Originally uploaded by Geo & VO.
It seems to this missionary that the world is quite fortunate to have English-speaking nations who are willing to do most of the world's heavy lifting in securing liberty and peace for its citizenry.

In the meantime, most of Europe cowers.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Argentina --please answer the phone

This week while France was burning, a stadium in Argentina was filled with people waving Che Guevara flags and screaming obscenities at Pres. George W. Bush's free trade proposals.

Obscenities_Che Guevera. A perfect match.

Um, excuse, me Argentina, but anyone whose personal income and survival depends on which way the world turns, should have dropped Che's marxist/leninist ideas like a hot potato --a generation ago.

Argentina! you have a phone call, it's reality on line 1!

Exceptional heritage

America, as a nation of immigrants, assimilites foreign nationals much easier than, say, European countries.

The 2-week sacking of France teach just how exceptional my country really is.

Of course in America we have our own problems of divisive multiculturalism. But I am nevertheless so thankful for my liberties.

Islam is entirely incompatible with "individual liberty." On the other hand, liberty is a crucial component of western countries. The United States of America was planned and created by people who were Christians, were biblically literate, but who respected other traditions.

Think about it!

In countries under the tyranny of Islamic law, there’s no such idea as liberty: you are either a Muslim, or are in danger of having your throat cut open with a rusty knife by dark consciences; cf. Matt 5:44.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Paris, day 14

Muslim Youths Set Paris Ablaze
Originally uploaded by Geo & VO.
France's bling-bling is going up in smoke!

Friday, November 04, 2005

To: Pakistan, with love

U.S. charity and Pakistan
Originally uploaded by Geo & VO.
Most don't know, but the Pentagon's budget performs vital Christian charity.

America's Pakistan Earthquake Response, to date:

Evacuated Locals: 8,218
Humanitarian Supplies: 940 tons
Med Supplies: 53 tons
Blankets: 6,640
Cots: 2,210
Airlift Missions: 104

100% of the indirect charity that Virginia and I give --goes through the U.S. government!

Behold, a Christian nation practicing Christian charity --through our emissary --the U.S. Armed Forces.